Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tired of Being Sick

I know, I know it's been forever! I'll have to do a couple of posts to catch y'all up on everything that's been going on. We'll start with this....I'm sick! AHH!

Well it all started the Friday before last. The baby woke up that morning around 8 (that's late for him) with a temp. of 101.5. That's the highest temp he's ever had and he's never been sick before so I kind of panicked. I called the Pediatrician's office and got him in pretty much right away. They ran a flu test on him because that has been going around here BAD. It came back negative (YAY). So they said it was just a virus and there is nothing they can do about that (boo). We had a really busy weekend, so this was horrible timing (more on that later). Anyway, Saturday he woke up with a temp. of 102.7! Poor baby! We kept alternating his Tylenol and Motrin and by that afternoon his fever broke. From that point on he was fine. What a trooper.

So fast forward to exactly a week later. My throat starts hurting....not a good sign. Saturday morning I went to the doctor and come to find out...I have strep. So I went ahead and got the penicillin shot (SOOOOOOO painful!!!!!) hoping it would clear it up quickly. Well needless to say 3 days later, it hasn't'. Seriously, this sucks! I was hoping it would go away quickly, but I guess not. I'm starting to feel a little better today but still not great. I'm tired of not having any energy and being stuck in the house. Hopefully it will go away soon.

Now, the baby's been coughing for the past two nights. My friend's baby, who is the same age as mine and is always around mine, has croup. Sooooooo I'm just guessing that's what were gonna have next.

When will this end???!!! We need to get better!!! Prayers please :)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Beach Pictures

Here are just a few of the pics we took last week at the beach! Enjoy!

playing in the sand

Uncle Kyle (my brother) and the baby

going canoeing?


my family

look at that smirk!

the water was like glass! (my dad, me, and the baby)

kiddie pool fun

beautiful sunset

Nona (my mom) and my baby

Football season starts tomorrow!!! War Eagle! Have a great weekend everybody!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ahhhhhhhh, What A Great Week!

So we are back from our WONDERFUL, relaxing vacation! It was soooo nice. We had perfect weather and when I say perfect I mean in the 80's, cool breeze, no humidity, just all around nice. It rained one day, Thursday, but that's ok...we just shopped! Haha! The ocean was absolutely breath taking. No seaweed and no waves. I mean really! It was like a swimming pool. It didn't even scare the baby to get in it. And speaking of the baby....he had a great time. He loved the sand, water, staying up late, hanging with his Nona (his new fav person) and Big Pape, taking long afternoon naps, and eating lots of new foods. He really seemed to enjoy himself. He definitely got my love for the beach. Anyway, I will post some pics later this week. I'm still busy trying to get us settled in back home. Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!