Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Skills

My baby has mastered some new skills! First, he can now roll over from his back to tummy and he is so proud of himself! Every time he does it he looks up with this huge grin on his face. He's been able to roll over from tummy to back for a while and he LOVES doing that at night when he's supposed to be sleeping. So I'm sure he'll be rolling all over his crib now! Second, sucking his thumb. I'm not sure what to think about this one. At first I thought it was the cutest thing I've ever seen and since he never took a paci I was a little surprised by it. But then I got to thinking, and what happens when he's five and still sucking his thumb??? How do you stop it? You can't take their thumb away like you can their paci. Oh well, it's still cute! Third, he grabbed the dog! Adam and I have been waiting on this one. We have a teacup chihuahua and he's always staring at her and laughing. Today while he was playing on the floor he reached over and grabbed her neck with both hands. It was pretty funny. She didn't mind it though. She just stood there and licked him. She's such a sweet doggie and she LOVES the baby. When he was first born, she would sit next to him all the time. She wouldn't let him out of her sight.

Also, we went to the park today with some new friends from church, Stacy and her baby. Her sweet baby is about 2 weeks older than mine. He's a little cutie! We had a great time. I'm really enjoying our church and the new friends we are making! Tomorrow night they are having a crawfish boil! We are looking forward to this. Especially Adam, he loves crawfish.

Here's a picture of the baby and Juicy (the dog) at my parent's house last weekend. You can see how he wants to grab her!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love It!

YAY! So what do y'all think of my new layout?! It's not completely done yet, but I love it! Thanks Leslie!!! You can get her to do one for you too! Here's her page:

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Missing Everybody Already!

So we ended up going to Tuscaloosa this past weekend. We left at about 6:30 pm. That's really late for a six hour drive with a five month old baby and a dog! The ride went good but when we got there (at 1:00 am) the baby had a major break down! He screamed until three am!!! Needless to say, we will NEVER do that again! Then, of course, he was wide awake at seven the next morning. So I go no sleep that night. It was ok though because all we did Saturday was lay around and relax (much needed). That night we went out to eat at Chuck's downtown. It was really good. Then we rode around and showed Adam the town. He's been to Tuscaloosa before, but we've never really showed him around. Then Sunday we went to church, it was AWESOME to see my old church family. I miss them! Then my best friend, Melissa, and her one year old daughter came over. My baby would not stop staring at her little girl! We already have their wedding planned! They'll be trouble, that's for sure! We got back home yesterday around seven pm. We had a wonderful trip, I'm ready to go back! It makes me sad that my baby doesn't live close to my parents. They love him so much and I want him to grow up being close to them. They are amazing Grandparents! I knew they would be. Here are a couple of pictures from the trip.....

Boo boo staring at his girlfriend!


Big Pape

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Ok, so we are not leaving for Tuscaloosa today :(. That makes me sad. Adam has had all kinds of stuff going on at work and he can't just pick up and leave in the middle of all of it. So maybe we can go tomorrow. It all depends on if they get everything done by tomorrow around noon. Lets pray they do!!! I need a mini getaway and I was so looking forward to it.

Another thing, I've been getting these horrible headaches everyday! I can't get rid of them. Any suggestions? I need help!!! It's so annoying!

By the way, look what I stumbled across. A pregger pic! That was just a couple of weeks before boo boo was born! That kind of makes me want another one :)............

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Real Boys Wear Pink???

Let me just start by saying that I have NEVER done this before!!! I'm sure you can already tell where this post is going! The other day I was washing boo boo's clothes (like I do everyday of my life, haha) and when I got them out of the dryer........everything was PINK! Oh no! That would be ok if I had a little girl, but I don't! I don't think his daddy would be very happy with me if he started wearing pink onsies! The worst part about it is that my mother-in-law gave boo boo these wonderful monogrammed burp cloths that are my fav and they were in that load. UGH! As I took the clothes out of the dryer I saw the culprit...this red shirt that my mom's friend had given him. The shirt was her son's and looked like it had been washed plenty of times so even if I would have seen it I still would have put it in that load. I always wash all his stuff on cold so this kind of stuff doesn't happen. Anyway (I can't believe I've gone on this long about this subject!) I'm taking them to Tuscaloosa with us this weekend and letting my mom work on them. Hopefully she'll get them back to normal!

I'm SUPER excited about seeing my parents and best friend!! I can't wait for tomorrow. Hopefully boo boo will do ok on the 6 hour drive over.

Monday, April 20, 2009

That's What I Love About Sundays

Lately it seems like Sundays can't come soon enough. By the end of the week I'm really needing an uplifting sermon and powerful songs. This Sunday's sermon was just what the doctor ordered after one of the longest and hardest weeks of my life. Like I said before, I can't really get into on here so y'all will just have to wonder....for now anyway. Lets just say that after a lot of prayer I felt led to write someone about something that has been on my heart for some time now...only to have it blow up (BIG TIME) in my face! It's been really hard for me to accept this because I felt like God was telling me to do this. After yesterday I got to thinking, and maybe I haven't seen the bigger picture yet. God is always at work around us and has a plan! I'm now trusting that I haven't seen the end result of this yet and that God is still working on this problem. It's truly awesome the peace that comes from trusting the Lord. All that worrying I did last week was in vain. All I needed to do was turn it over to God! What a relief!

Also, we are really needing a mini vaca! Maybe we'll be going to Tuscaloosa this weekend. We'll see!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Crawfish, New Friends, and A Nice Surprise

I've been a little busy and haven't had time to write about anything. But Adam had to go into work this morning (boo) so I have a little time. It seems I always start getting busy on Thursdays. I'm not complaining though, I like to be busy. Anyway, Thursday I went out to Adam's parents house to drop the baby off so they could watch him while we went and ate with some new friends from church. We had a great time. We ate crawfish and me and Melissa played with their son while Adam and Paul talked. We stayed until 10:00 that evening. When we got in the car and I saw that it was 10, I panicked a little because the last time we left the baby that late he had a MAJOR meltdown! So we rushed over there only to find them all piled up in the bed talking and laughing! He had a BLAST! Him and his Uncle Gabe (7 yrs old) played all evening. It was 10:30 by the time we got there and he was still awake! He never stays up that late. As soon as we pulled out of their driveway he was asleep. Gabe came home with us and spent the night. So all day Friday me and him played Wii and watched movies while the baby slept. And I mean he slept ALL day! Poor thing was pooped! I know he had fun. And now the next time we leave him maybe I won't be in such a panic to go and get him. So it turned out great. We really enjoyed ourselves with some new friends and boo boo had fun too!

Did I mention it was my first time to eat crawfish??? I've always been a little creeped out by the whole idea of eating something that's staring at you, but it was REALLY good! I will definitely eat some again. Thanks Melissa and Paul we really enjoyed it!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


So I'm finally feeling better! Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law! I couldn't ask for a better one!! I'm very lucky, I mean blessed! Oh yeah, my boo boo is 5 months old today. I can't believe it. Wow, time really does fly. You always hear people say that, but I don't think you fully get it until you have a child and see how quickly they grow. What a blessing from God children are! I love him more than I can describe!


How can it be 9:30 am and I'm already having a terrible day :( ? Maybe I'll get into it one day on here, but then you really want to be involved in unnecessary drama? I know I don't! It seems to find me no matter what these days. Can't miserable people leave us "happy" people alone and go be miserable by themselves? Guess not!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fun, Fun, and A Follower!

So this past weekend was very busy but awesome! We had so much fun (even though we didn't see the Easter Bunny :( booohoo). Friday Adam was off for Good Friday and it was his birthday. He enjoyed resting and then we went out to eat with his mom, dad, and little brother Gabe. We went to Shogun because Gabe LOVES to watch them cook in front of you. It was really good. I wasn't sure how the baby was going to react to all the loud noises and fire, but he was fine. He was actually pretty intrigued. The only thing that scared him were the balloons that Adam's mom had brought. Don't you just wonder what's going on in their little heads?! Saturday we went over to Adam's parent's house all day. Adam needed to work on his car and motorcycle so I hung out with his mom and brother. Gabe and I jumped on the big trampoline for hours (I felt it the next day....I'm old!). I got a little sunburned, that should tell you how pale I am! Haha! Sunday we woke the baby up so he could see what the Easter Bunny had brought him. He racked up; he got some candy, a bunny, two movies, and four outfits. If only he understood...:). Then we went to church, it was a wonderful sermon! After that we went to Adam's Mamaw's house. The kids hunted eggs and we all ate some great food! By the time we got home we were all pooped! It was a long day. It took me and the baby all day yesterday to recover! What a wonderful Easter. Thank you Lord for sending your son to die for us! What an awesome God!

Now for the second part of this post. I finally have a follower! YAY! Leslie, you're awesome! I'll be following yours too!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Can I just say that I really can't stand our noisy neighbors!!! UGH! Get me out of this apartment....please! The baby finally went down for a nap and now they are banging around up there and he's about to wake up!!!!! "Lord, grant me patience with these people....please!". By the way, yesterday was a total nightmare in "mommy world"! The baby would not take a nap. He was up from 9 am until 9:30 pm. He fell asleep for like 10 minutes twice. He was SO cranky!! Poor thing! Today's been pretty much the same way until about 30 minutes ago. He finally went down and now those neighbors are about to wake him up. Now you know why I'm so mad!!! HA!

Just had to vent! Haha!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Great Weekend!

So we had an awesome weekend. Adam got off early on Friday (YAY, that never happens) and we just sat around and spent time together. On Saturday we did our grocery shopping, came home and napped, and then Adam decided that we should take Easter pics of the baby. So we packed up all the necessities and went over to this beautiful area that had all the gardenias in full bloom. We definitely were not the only ones who had that idea.....the place was packed with babies, families, and brides getting their pictures taken. So we found us a spot and snapped away. The baby cooperated pretty well, he just would not smile! He's definitely not a "smile on demand" baby! Oh well, the pictures turned out great. What a cutie he is!!! But I am pretty partial to him! Then on Sunday we went to church. After church our Sunday school class had a potluck lunch and Easter egg hunt. We really enjoyed ourselves! It was great to mingle and talk to all the other families in our class. The baby LOVES to be outside, so he enjoyed it too. But of course, the weekend came to an end. Now the baby's allergies are flaring back up from being outside all weekend! UGH! Poor thing! I think I've decided that this rash and everything he's been having lately is definitely allergies. He seemed fine until we had him outside. Now he's coughing and he has a snotty nose. Yew! Lets hope this pollen goes away and he gets over this soon!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Easter Bunny

Ok, so I really want to take the baby to see the Easter Bunny! Maybe this weekend. We'll see how it goes. We took him to see Santa at Christmas. He was only one month old, so he didn't know what was going on. We strolled him around the mall until he woke up and then we threw him up there at Santa so he would be awake during the picture. Of course when he was that little if his eyes opened he was hungry. So he has the FUNNIEST look on his face in the Santa picture. He looks half asleep and like he's about to scream. Maybe the Easter Bunny one will go a little better!

* The baby seems to be better today. He hasn't had a fever or anything. I'm starting to think that maybe he's teething!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lets Try This Again.....

Ok, so I decided to start this and then I fell off the wagon. Soooo...lets try this again. Last night I was awaken by my baby crying :(. I went in to check on him and his eyes were still closed, so I didn't want to wake him. This happened on and off all night until his daddy finally got him out of bed at about 6:30. When he brought him in our room, he was hot. I could tell just by feeling him that he had a temp. So I immediately freaked (of course, that's what I do best). Adam stayed calm (that's what he does best..haha..that's why we work so well together) and took his temperature. It was 99.9 under his arm. I've always heard to add 2 degrees when you take it under the arm, so in my mind his temp. was 101.9 (WOW!). We gave him some Tylenol and I took him to his doctor as soon as they opened at 8:30. By the time we got there he had developed a rash on his face (poor baby). She looked him over and really couldn't find anything wrong with him. She said it could be allergies but she wants to make sure before putting him on any medicine. So anyway, I have to put some cream on his face, stop feeding him squash (that's our veggie of the week), and watch his temp. If it gets up above 101, I have to call her and let her know. From there they'll have to do blood work on him. So please keep my baby in your prayers. Lets hope it's nothing big! This kind of stuff probably wouldn't bother me but when he was born he had to be put in the NICU for a week because he had breathing problems. That was the worst experience of my life. I don't know how moms and dads with babies in the NICU for months get through it! Only through the comfort of the Lord!

*We got home around 10:00 and he's been sleeping ever since.......sweet, sweet baby.