Monday, August 3, 2009

Prayers Needed

Hey everybody in blog land! We had a pretty awesome and relaxing weekend, again! I LOVE the weekends. I LOVE my husband being off and spending time with our family. It doesn't even matter if we just lay around the house, I LOVE it! Friday Adam got off early so he cooked us dinner. I LOVE when he cooks. He made fried pork chops, rice and gravy, and asparagus! He is a wonderful cook. He should seriously have a recipe blog, haha! He would NEVER go for that! Then Saturday we ran some errands and then we went out to eat with our friends and their two kids. Their little boy is only 2 weeks older than my baby boy. We went to Macaroni Grill, YUMMY! Then Sunday we went to church and ate at Mamaw's. It was an all around wonderful weekend! :)

That being said, I have something on my mind. Sunday a girl visiting our Sunday School class told us (during prayer request time) that she was 19 weeks pregnant with her third baby and she has been having a lot of problems. Then during the middle of class she went to the bathroom, when she came back she said she was bleeding again and needed to go to the hospital. We offered to drive her but she said she was fine. Anyway, I'm really worried about this girl. Her and her baby have really been on my mind. I would like for everybody to please take a minute and say a prayer for them.

This whole situation really scares me. I know I would like to have another baby one day, but I am really scared about it. I'm more scared to have a second child than I was to have a first! I think it's because now I know the love that you have for your child. It is really indescribable! I just can't imagine going through something like that. I just have to keep in mind that God doesn't give you anything you can't handle and that He can get you through anything. Please keep this girl in your prayers! She needs it!


  1. I know exactly how you feel about having a second child! My first pregnancy was really a breeze now that I look back on it. I did alot of complaining because I was uncomfortable, but now I look back and see how blessed I was/am to have such a good pregnancy and now a healthy baby. And I also want to have more children in the future but I am so scared to because just in the past 6 months or so I have been introduced to the "Blogging World" and I read all these blogs about people who have complicated pregnancies and all these babies with health scares me to death! But like you said, God only gives you what he knows you can handle....and I know that if I ever had a complicated pregnancy or unhealthy baby that I would get through it just fine. I always worry about stuff and think of the worst that could happen in any situation, but I'm trying to work on trusting God and letting Him take care of things instead of me being the control freak that I am. LOL. Anywho...(I like to ramble on and on sometimes!) I will be praying for this girl!

  2. We'll definitely keep her in our prayers. Keep us updated, as you can?

    We lost our first 2 pregnancies before having Maggie. Our second we lost at 19 weeks (a daughter, Samantha). It's hard to not give up, but don't let fear overcome you. God is good and has a plan even if you don't like or understand it. Samantha's life blessed ours, even if she couldn't stay. Keep the faith, it will help you through anything.
