Friday, May 22, 2009

Tag You're It

8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Adam having a 3 day weekend this weekend
2. beach vacation with Adam's family in June
3. beach vacation with my family in August
4. spending time with my booboo (always!)
5. finding a house
6. hanging out with my new friends at church
7. bunco!
8. my having another baby....did i just say that? haha! ;)

8 things I did yesterday
1. laundry
2. gave booboo a bath
3. showered
4. drove to Haughton
5. met my husband out at the golf course (his work had a tournament)
6. ate some spicy food
7. watched booboo and his little buddy, Evan, play
8. ate a dipped cone from DQ (yummy)

8 things I wish I could do
1. see my family more often
2. buy a house
3. go on a nice, long vacation with my hubby and son
4. have a personal chef
5. suddenly come into a lot of money (haha)
6. be tan without laying in the sun (random, i know)
7. be blond naturally :)
8. i can't think of anything else........

8 shows I watch
1. Biggest Loser
2. Little People Big World
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. Table for 12
5. American Idol
6. Deadliest Catch
7. So You Think You Can Dance
8. whatever Adam has it on

8 people I tag:
1. Leslie
2. April
3. Nikki
4. Wes
5. Jen
6. Allison
7. Heather
8. Kenya (i know you already did it, but i didn't have anybody else to name!)

There you have it people!

This week has been pretty relaxing (much needed). Not a whole lot going on. Like I said, me and booboo met Adam out at his company Golf tournament yesterday. It was nice, he played really well considering he's never played golf before. Booboo and his little friend (9 months old) played. It was so cute. They kept giving each other kisses! How sweet! I hope everybody has a great weekend!!!

Oh yeah! The Walk for Life went great! We had so much fun and it was a beautiful day. I'll do a post on that (with the total money raised and pics) soon!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Have You Lost Your Hearing?

Once there was a man who dared God to speak.
Burn the bush like you did for Moses, God.
And I will follow.
Collapse the walls like you did for Joshua, God.
And I will fight.
Still the waves like you did on Galilee, God.
And I will listen.
And so the man sat by a bush, near a wall, close to the sea
and waited for God to speak.

And God heard the man, so God answered.
He sent fire, not for a bush, but for a church.
He brought down a wall, not of brick, but of sin.
He stilled a storm, not of the sea, but of a soul.

And God waited for the man to respond.
And he waited...
And he waited...
And waited.

But because the man was looking at bushes,
not hearts: bricks and not lives, seas and not
souls, he decided that God had done nothing.
Finally he looked to God and asked, Have you
lost your power?
And God looked at him and said, Have you lost
your hearing?

By: Max Lucado

Friday, May 15, 2009

Busy, busy, busy!

I know it's been a while! I've been really busy this week. I really haven't had time to get on the computer this week. This past Tuesday we had Girl's Night Out with the girls in my Sunday school class. It was so much fun. We ate at Macaroni Grill and then went back to one the girl's house and painted our toenails, got massages, and just hung out. It was an awesome time and I really enjoyed getting to know everyone better. It was the first time since the baby was born that I've gone out at night by myself. So lets just say it was MUCH needed and appreciated!

Wednesday the baby had his 6 month check-up. Everything looks great and SURPRISE...he's got a tooth coming in! This will be his first. Is it weird that I almost cried when she told me???!! He's getting so big! So he's been a little fussy for the past 2 days, but really not as bad as I expected him to be. I keep checking his mouth waiting to see that little toothy! I'll take a picture for y'all when it comes in. Haha!

Tomorrow is the Walk for Life. I'm a little disappointed at the amount of donations I was able to get, but like I said...every little bit helps. So THANKS to all of those who donated. Me and the baby will be out there bright and early tomorrow morning walking (and strolling). Hope everybody has a great weekend!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Ok, first things first! I need sponsors! I'm doing a Walk for Life this Saturday. It raises money for the Crisis Pregnancy Center here. They offer free pregnancy test, ultrasounds, counseling and all kinds of other services. **It is a fact that 90% of pregnant women that see the heartbeat of their unborn child do not have an abortion! WOW, 90%! All you have to do is contact me at and let me know if you're willing to donate. All I need is your name, phone number, and address. You can donate as much or as little as you want. It's a great cause!

Second thing, I had a FANTASTIC first Mother's Day! My baby and husband made it a wonderful day for me. It was weird being on the other side of Mother's day, but I loved it. My baby got me the sweetest card and a brand new bible. It's pink and has my name on it! It's also a NIV study bible (what I've been wanting!) How did he know what I wanted??!! I'm telling you, he's a genius! Haha! They recognized all the Mothers at church and gave us the most beautiful roses I think I've ever seen. It was so sweet! Then we went and ate with Adam's mom and Grandmother. I hope all you Mother's out there had a terrific day! You all deserve it!

beautiful flower and bible

my baby and his daddy

me, my meem-in-law, and mamaw-in-law

me and my baby

Third, my friend Amy that lives in Texas came and visited me on Saturday. It was so great to see her. She's moving closer so we'll be seeing each other a lot more! Yay!

Friday, May 8, 2009

All Done...And Looking Great!

Don't y'all LOVE my new blog?! I DO!!!!! Purple and blue are my favorite colors! Thanks Leslie! She's the one that made this beautiful blog, contact her if you want one for yourself. If nothing else go read her blog. It's a good one!

Good News All Around!

What a great day! Let's just start by saying that I just got wonderful, incredible, awesome news! See our insurance was giving us some problems on paying for my child birth and considering I had to have an emergency c-section this was very expensive. They finally got it all figured out and we are getting reimbursed for almost $2000! I am very happy about this!!! YAY! God does answer prays and it does work out!

The next thing is that I've been praying to hopefully find an "at home" job where I could work from home and not put the baby in daycare. I think my prayers have been answered! I had a friend recommend a place that she had worked for up until she had her baby. So I decided it was worth a shot. Well I had my phone interview today and so far so good! Now all I have to do is complete some training and I'll be ready to go. I couldn't ask for anything better. This will help us out so much!

Last thing, I know I had said that we were having friends over tonight....well not anymore. Everybody is sick! Adam's been sick all week and her little boy has tonsillitis (ewww). So we had to postpone. I just hope I don't get sick (I already feel like I am), I have WAY to much going on next week!!! Please pray for healing of everybody! Have a blessed and wonderful weekend and Happy Mother's Day!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Praise Him!!!

I just felt the need to say this today....."Praise God!". I just start thinking about all the awesome things God does in my life and I just feel so lucky to have such a wonderful, loving, forgiving, and all around awesome God! Sure, I have a lot of hard times and very hard situations in my life but I get through them all with His help. Actually, I've had a lot of difficulties in the past few months. But you know what? This has only drawn me closer to Him! I know this is what he wants and I will continue to rely on Him! Honestly I don't know how people get through life without God. Believe me I've tried and it doesn't work! So if you've never trusted in God, try it! I PROMISE you won't be disappointed! What an AWESOME God we serve!!!!! Hope everyone has a blessed weekend!

Just a side note....I had a church friend call me today. I had some stuff on my mind that's been there for a while. She didn't know this, but asked me if I needed any prayers. I told her what was on my mind and we prayed together right there over the phone! Almost immediately I felt a weight lifted off of me! Thank God for Christian friends!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away....

Just had to say this......"Will this rain EVER end?"!!!! It has been raining for 2 weeks! I haven't straightened my hair in ages!! The flat iron is definitely getting a much needed break! Haha! But seriously, all this rain and cloudiness is so depressing. I guess God thinks we need a good watering!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Weekend Plus Some

Ok, where do I's been a little while. Lets see, Friday we had the Crawfish Boil at our church. It was so much fun. The sun actually came out (it's been rainy and cloudy for like 2 weeks)and there was a little breeze. There was a ton of people there. They boiled 5,ooo pounds of crawfish!!! Can you believe that?

Then on Sunday we took a class at church called Discover Broadmoor (the name of the church, ha). It was awesome! Very informative! The preachers wife taught it and we met all of the ministers. They told us what they believe as a church. I really think all churches should do something like this. It helps you to know if it's the right church for you. We also had to fill out a questionnaire that will tell us our spiritual gifts and how we can use them to serve the church! Isn't that nice?! I can't wait to find out my results.

Today I got my hair done and had to take the baby with me. I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out but it went fine. He's such a chill baby. And guess what??? He sat up for the first time ALL BY HIMSELF! WOW! I was shocked! He lifted himself up and sat there staring in the mirror! He's so talented! Haha!

We are having some new friends over for dinner this Friday night. I'm super excited about it. Then next week the girls in my Sunday school class are having a Spa Night! Can you say FUN??!!! Hope everybody is having a GREAT week!